Before, During, After

Well, the day has come. The rite of passage, quintessential cancer patient day when I lost my hair. Ok, technically I took my hair, or more accurately, Miko took it, because of my aversion to loose hair that isn’t attached to a head, but it was imminent. Every tug at my hair took at least 10 strands, and I didn’t want to see the clumps. That’s just gross. So Brian said, “Well, do you want to wait for it to come, or do you want to take charge and do it today?” So Miko shaved my head.

I was a little emotional about it. I had butterflies in my stomach all day about it, which kinda surprised me. I mean, I don’t really consider myself a very vain person, but this was my one thing. I loved my hair. Which isn’t to say I always loved the way it looked, but that’s just operator error. Or laziness. I did love the way it could look. Like when my hairdresser does it. Or other people with patience and talent. And, most of all, I loved the color. It was different, and made me feel unique.

Yes, I’m aware I’m using the past tense. Because enough people know someone whose hair grew back differently. Maybe curly (yes, please!) or darker, or just a whole different color. Or, as my sister likes to say, a little too gleefully if I may say, gray and fuzzy. And sure, these are fixable things, especially the gray. Well, they are fixable for normal people. But I’m not a takes-a lot-of-time-on-her-appearance type of gal. I’m more of an often-forgets-to-check-herself-in-the-mirror type of gal. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat in a morning (okay, or afternoon) class and thought, “Did I even check my appearance today? Huh.” And when I let my hair go too long without a trim, I do this ridiculous and irrational thing in which I refuse to do anything to it. Kind of as a punishment. For my hair. Only, you know, my hair doesn’t super care what I do. So it never seems to change its behavior. Weird. So all of this is a way of saying, if it grows back gray and fuzzy, chances are, gray and fuzzy are what I’ve got. Bummer.

I’m aware most of you opened this hoping to see the goods. So here you go! From Mop-top to Cancer-chic in thirty short minutes!

This was before. I was due for a haircut, anyway. It was starting to make me mad.

first swipe

Miko’s first swipe. I got a little emotional. Also, the sound of the clippers was really too much.

flock of seagulls

Approaching a Flock of Seagulls-ish look here…

scared look

I wasn’t sad here, just trying to fool Miko that I was having a change of heart. She didn’t bat an eye.

finished product

Okay, here’s what I look like bald! I have to say that this picture is a little misleading… in person my head is significantly more lumpy. That’s not just my perception. I say it’s the brains.